On Oct 31, 10:13am, dan parslow wrote:
> Most maintainable? Herald/Vitesse. Just raise the bonnet, step
> on in and have a seat on top of the front tyre. Pure joy. You
> don't even have to protect the wings. You can do 90% of the work
> with just three spanner sizes, and there's usually more than one
> way of getting at anything.
Except the darn gearbox oil plug.
___/ __ \______ Chris Boston M.Sc. B.Sc.(hons.)
_\_\_____) Software Engineer
__ (_____) Email: chris.boston@umist.ac.uk
\____(___) Tel. +44(0)161 200 4580
Fax. +44(0)161 228 7040
Telex. 666094
InPerson: cboston@zeu.tt.umist.ac.uk
Snail: Department of Textiles
P.O. Box 88
M60 1QD.
All views expressed are my own, and not necessarily those of the institute.