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Re: '74 Spit Saga`

Subject: Re: '74 Spit Saga`
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 1995 11:07:13 -0400
We all chuckle and share your feelings of joy/frustration/satisfaction.
 Isn't it amazing how great these cars are when they are right, but just HOW
MANY things DPO's and the factory put together wrong, or so close to wrong
that it doesn't take much to have something go wrong.  

Ahhhh.....but after you have it all sorted out life is GREAT.
 Then...yes...then  you know that every M**ta driver ought to have his
license pulled.  Especially if he is driving with his top up (as they
invariably do).  Remember, only YOU can drive history, since you own a piece
of it!

Enjoy your driving.  Some day you may even be able to leave the AAA card at
home.  Then its time to buy another project, where again, every journey is an

Brian N

65 Spit
79 Spit
59 Sprite
63 Consul Capri

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