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Re: gas

To: (Triumph Mailing List)
Subject: Re: gas
From: "Randell Jesup" <>
Date: Fri, 20 Oct 95 13:36:54 EDT
>>What is the net wisdom about using av. gas in a '73 TR-6.  Mine sure 
>>feels happy when I do, it runs more quietly, requires less choke time.  
>>It is 100 octane low lead BTW.
>       When these cars were built they were speced to use 5 star 100 octane. 
>I have heard something about avgas burning differently due to the altitude 
>it operates. Not sure if it make any difference. But there is a big jump in 
>performance that I am sure you have noticed.

        First, the "5 star 100 octane" is not the numbers you see on pumps
today (or for quite a while back).  100 octane is the RON.  The numbers on
the pumps are (RON+MON)/2.  RON = Research Octane Number, MON = Motor Octane
Number.  MON is basically always considerably lower than RON.  100 octane
RON would probably be 92-94 (RON+MON)/2, give or take.

>       I run 105 octane .5 grams lead per gal. fuel in my GT6. It is 
>availabe from a refinery in San Antonio called V-P Performance Fuels. There 
>are distributers all around the country. Since using 100+ octane in my car 
>since 1972 I have had no problems and am currently going on 140k miles. 

        If it's sold as fuel for cars this is fine.  If it's avgas it's
illegal (avoidance of road taxes on fuel).

        Avgas has a higher volatility, which doesn't helps cars much.  Also,
higher-octane fuels have marginally less energy per gallon, all else being
equal.  (All else may not be equal - if you have enough compression, you may
get a boost in power by advancing the ignition a few degrees.  However, there
is a limit - beyond that limit, advancing won't help any more.  The limit
depends on engine design, compression, cam specs, etc.)

>      So why twist the distributer and depower that car running the wrong 
>fuel when there is still the right kind of fuel made for these performance 
>vehicles available? I seems kind of funny these guys look around the whole 
>country for a damn green hose but put cheap gas in their cars and wonder why 
>the performane sucks!

        I haven't seen any sort of leaded fuel in at least 6 years here in
the east.  I just put premium unleaded in - no problems so far, after 6 years.

>>Does anyone know why the reply t0 address on the list directs replys 
>>to the dust bin?  It sends replys to triumphs-owner rather than 

        MJB's majordomo setup for the digests does that with some mail
programs, including mine (an old ELM version).  I have to hand-edit the
address every time.  MJB, if you're listening, you might want to muck with
the From:/Reply-To:/etc addresses.  Most other lists I'm on don't have this

>What address are you supposed to post to?
Randell Jesup, Scala US R&D, Ex-Commodore-Amiga Engineer class of '94
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