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To: "\"'autox'\" <> \"'triumphs'\"" <>
Subject: Tools
From: Tom Gentry <>
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 95 12:23:00 PDT
Encoding: 20 TEXT

Some no good #$^% broke into my garage last night and took all my tools!

The normal stuff is easy enough to itemize for the insurance company, but I 
probably can't even remember all the little, one of a kind widgets that are 
gone.  That is, until I need them.

He was smart enough to leave my lbc untouched, probably knowing that theft 
or vandalism would cause a man hunt not seen since David Jansen chased the 
one armed man.

Oh well,
I feel somewhat better now.

Tom (how can you own a lbc without tools?) Gentry
72 TR-6 OD
Rockford, IL

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