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Re: clutches

Subject: Re: clutches
From: Richard Endersby <>
Date: Sat, 7 Oct 1995 08:08:45 GMT
In your message dated Thursday 5, October 1995 Phil wrote :
> That's right, Rich.  The bent backplate is caused by forcing the gearbox back 
in using bolts rather than doing the 


> be gentle when you refit the box.  Never force it.  Check your clutch is 
centred properly (using an old input shaft, 
> if poss) and that the brass bush in the end of the crankshaft is OK.  Then 
once you've got the splines aligned it 
> should go straight in providing you keep the box square on to the flywheel.  
And try not to let the weight of the 
> box be carried by the input shaft.

I found that by jacking the rear of the engine (carefull where you place the 
jack) up around 2-3 ins it made replacing the gearbox a great deal easier.   
Check that there's nothing at the front of/under the engine which will snag 
before and during the jacking process.
> See you Sunday.  No replies re Duxford so no other netters (nutters) are 
coming, I assume.
I hope to be coming, but I have a prior appointment with a MIG welder, a 1969
VW camper van and 100 worth of panels!

Richard Endersby

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