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Re: Crap on the net<>

To: Joe Flake <>
Subject: Re: Crap on the net<>
From: "Richard Jackson - Network Technician ext. 2570"<>
Date: Wed, 04 Oct 1995 13:17:22 +0000 (GMT)
References: <>
This will be my last mention of this, But....

>> Hello all,
>> Sorry about the subject heading but it is the only way to describe it.
>> Basically, what I'd like to know is..... Has anyone else got the crap
>> concerning the women in Asian sending the good luck email,  As I was 
>> if they are getting the addresses from the list.
>> Thats all, Thanks
>> Rich

>Yes others get the messages.  (Check out the mail headers and
>you'll see that it came as a list distribution.).

My first one DIDN'T.
I recieved TWO copies, the first directly to me, I read it, sent the above
message and THEN realised there was another copy to everyone...SORRY

>In general, calling attention to it with followups like yours
>only tends to encourage folks who post such things.  Flame
>the original poster in a private message if you like (I haven't yet,
>but still might) but don't waste bandwidth complaining to the
>whole list.

Who's complaining,  I was simply asking a question.  So I could always say that 
messages like yours also waste bandwidth!!!  A bit like this one really I

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