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Re[2]: dashboard rheostat etc...

Subject: Re[2]: dashboard rheostat etc...
From: "jpratchi" <>
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 95 07:54:35 est
In a previous message I addressed criteria for replacement rheostats for 
Spitfires and LBCs in general.  I measured the resistance on mine and in 
the most dim position, it reads 22 Ohms.  This is about twice the 
equivalent  resistance of the seven or eight lamps it controls.  Bob Sykes 
measured two he has and they read about 20 Ohms so in general, if you can 
find a replacement rheostat with a maximum resistance of ~20 Ohms and 
capable of dissipating 5 or 6 Watts, you have a winner.

   regards,   John Pratchios

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