Ted Schumacher (TS Imports, Pandora Ohio, call 1-800-555-1212 to get his 800
number) will dissasemble your rear axle properly if you send it to him for
about $45. He can also rebuild it, but warns that, as I've posted, if the
bearings are noisy it's probably in need of a new axle shaft as the needle
bearings ride on the axle shaft as the inner bearing surface. The shaft is
about $100 plus all the work, so it may be cheaper to order a rebuilt shaft
from a UK source as others have posted.
On the noise situation, if the bearings are noisy, the damage is done, but it
isn't as severe (usually) as the noise may lead you th think. You probably
don't need to park it immediately till you can repair the situation. Grease
it up and keep on going. It's amazing how a little galling makes so much
He also added to the confusion as to whether grease or gearlube is called for
in the rear axle hubs. Perhaps more reasearch is needed!