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Re: 6 cylinder distributor help, and I'll be visiting San Fr

Subject: Re: 6 cylinder distributor help, and I'll be visiting San Fr
From: Mike A Gendimenico <>
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 95 17:58:18 PST
Text item: 

     /First off, I'll be out San Francisco the end of next week.  Most
/likely, I'll be flying in late Friday (the 8th) night.  I'll probably 
/stay until
/the 15th.  Will I be out in time to attend the Palo Alto British car show?

Yes, it's on Sunday the 10th starting at 9:30 am and there's also the 
annual Scott Fisher tree/sea tour on the 9th also starting at 9:30 in 
Palo Alto.  Several of us will probably also meet for breakfast before 
the Sunday meet and caravan over.  Dick Nyquist usually has a night 
before the meet shindig also, but havn't seen a posting since I'm off 
the big list.  Anybody seen anything from Dick??
     Ditributor stuff deleted;
/But, how about some other options?  Are there any aftermarket 
/distributors availible for the Triumph 6 cylinder engine?
/Ideally, I would get something that had the right advance curve 
/(though I probably won't be able to get the idle retard system 
/working) which
/I could modify with an aftermarket electronic ignition system.  What 
/kind of system does the GT6 mk III have on it?

My GT6 has a Delco distributor with just a vacuum advance.  Simple 
setup.  The only problem I have with it is some wobble.  If you look 
in a parts book for ignition parts, you'll find both a Lucas and Delco 
ditributor listed.  I always have to tell them it's a Delco, but I've 
never had any trouble getting ignition parts from local stores.  Maybe 
you can check some british wrecking yards for a used one.  In the Bay 
Area check with British Motorsports in Cambell or British Parts and 
Service in Hayward (sorry, don't have the numbers handy).

Hope to Meet you at or before the meet.

Mike G.

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Date: Wed, 30 Aug 1995 16:41:55 -0400
Subject: 6 cylinder distributor help, and I'll be visiting San Fran
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  • Re: 6 cylinder distributor help, and I'll be visiting San Fr, Mike A Gendimenico <=