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Definitely Triumph Stuff

Subject: Definitely Triumph Stuff
From: (Wayne Tallack)
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 1995 07:39:17 -0400
I've only been on the list for a short time so I hope that you will have
understand this request.  If it's been covered before, I appologize.

I was wondering if a list of the various supplies with their addresses was
available?  If so where would I find it?  I figured that VB stood for
Victoria British but there are others such (TRF, I think) which I don't. 
Could someone tell me of the more common abbreviations used here (not the
technical ones such as TDC as they are likely universal).

As to not "clutter" the list with this probably well know stuff to most of
you I wouldn't mind if the responses (if anyone is so kind) were emailed
to me.


Drive a British car and keep a mechanic happy. 
Wayne Tallack 1972 TR-6 owner.  Email

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