>Richard writes:
>> So I was wondering who would be the ideal female companion ...
To which Dan replied:
>As much as I like to go for a drive with my wife, I think this is
>just a little to far off topic. Please remember that your wife,
>mother or daughter might be reading these messages. Please say on
Much as I dislike these kind of threads, I can't resist the temptation
to reply. As corny as it is, my ideal companion is my wife (and no,
she is not reading this list). My car has been out of commission for 8
years now, so we haven't done any topless driving in a while. But I
look forward to the day when she and I climb back in the old Spit and
take it for a spin--brings back college days. We will certainly look
different than we did in college--she will have a few wrinkles around
the eyes and I will have some gray hair but we will feel young.
Can't wait.
Pat Willems