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Re: Worn TR6 driveshaft sliding joints

Subject: Re: Worn TR6 driveshaft sliding joints
From: Phil Willson <>
Date: Tue, 8 Aug 1995 09:13:59 BST
Priority: Normal
> Pete Barrnace wrote;
> >I've just read through your article on clunking noises from TR6 drive-trains.
> >It's been a while since I looked under there - but I remember deciding that 
> >(considerable) amount of lash that I have is in the sliding joints - the
> >u-joints seemed tight. How common is this, do you know? Probably no cure 
> >of replacing the whole driveshafts is there?

> Gary Schneider replied:
> I'd be interested in any other opinions too. I replaced mine last year
> because I could feel maybe a degree or two of play and they made a
> noticeable clunk. I was worried about the shock loads hammering the whole
> drivetrain in autocrossing. One of the few times where Vic Brit had a big
> advantage at around 150 dollars each, everyone else wanted about 300. A low
> enough price I wondered about quality, but they've been OK for a year now.

My bit:
These things are a problem on the six cylinder saloon cars as well.  Chris 
Witor (who is on the suppliers list on 
the T2000 www homepage) offers a conversion to a completely different system 
using Toyota (wash my mouth 
out with soap and water) components.  He reckons it solves all the problems 
with the Triumph system including 
spline lock-up.  I don't know if the TR6 shafts are the same as the saloon's, 
but anyone interested should contact 
Chris.  It's not cheap, but probably worthwhile for heavily used or rapidly 
driven cars.


From:   Phil Willson
        Electronic Engineering
        Queen Mary and Westfield College
        Mile End Road
        London E1 4NS
        Tel +44 (0)171 975 5338
        Fax +44 (0)181 981 0259

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