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Re: shipwright's disease? <>

Subject: Re: shipwright's disease? <>
From: Berry Kercheval <>
Date: Fri, 4 Aug 1995 21:56:52 PDT
>>> said:
 > What is shipwright's disease ...

In LBC terms it goes something like this:

The glovebox light is out, I'll just replace the bulb, but look, the contacts 
are a bit corroded, so I better put in a new socket.  To do that I have to 
pull out the glovebox itself, and look here!  The heater is leaking.  I'll 
just pull off the leaking hose and whoops!  the core is rusted.  Off with the 
dashboard, out with the heater core, and oh my, there's rot in the firewall.  
IN the engine compartment, I take out the battery to see the rot, and I can't 
weld the patch on it without taking out the engine, so out with the hoist.  
While the engine's out I might as well rebuild it, and the transmission and 
clutch.  And I noticed that the shocks are shot, so off with them, and the 
suspension bushings have seen better days, but look!  THe spring tower's 
cracked, so I have to weld it, but I can't get at it without removing the 
body, so.... replacing the glovebox bulb led to a frame-up restoration.

Some of you may think I'm making this up.  I made up only the specific details 
of this case.

 > ... and where do I go to catch it?

You're in the right place.

  --berry (resolutely resisting polishing the brake lines or
           I'll never make the DBTBD run.)

Berry Kercheval :: Xerox Palo Alto Research Center

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