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Re: Bownes

To: (Chris Kantarjiev), (R.M. Bownes III),,
Subject: Re: Bownes
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 1995 11:52:29 -0400
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So, do they have any clues about just what went wrong?

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Well, one of the following occured:

        1) I was bitten by a poisonous spider that was also infected.
        2) There is a cut/laceration (that we can't find) that was the 
infection vector.
        3) 20 years ago I fell off my bike (true) and tore open the elbow. 
Some debris
                finally worked it's way out of the scar tissue (there is 
definitely debris
                in there) and brought something out with it.
        4) Spontaneous. Happens about 50% of the time, but generally does not 
                manifest in this fashion.

I initiially thought I had just been bitten by a Black Widow as all the 
initial symptoms
matched up (fever, flu-like, swelling, etc) and made an appt to go into the 
immediately on Monday morning. They looked at it and decided that that wasn't 
the case, though something was up. They drained and cultured the remnants and 
found staph on 
Wed morning (cultures take 2 days) and immediately sent me to the hospital. I 
asked if we 
couldn't just continue with oral antibiotics. The doctor looked me in the eye 
and said
with the Tone(TM) "No. You're not responding as it is." After three days of 
IV's going bad,
I asked again, and the nurse said "Well, if you don't mind congestive heart 
failure from endocarditis, I suppose we could let you go home..." So, I stayed 
for a few more days.

All in all, #1 and #3 seem to be the leaders. There are alot of spiders 
rattling around the garage and basement where I was working Sat/Sun on the 
TR-6 trying to get ready for 
Rockford. I was so far behind on account of the death of two friends in a 
plane crash, being sent out of town for two weeks by the office, and one or 
two other little delays.
The doctors think stress played quite a part in it as well. I'm under ALOT of 
pressure at the office and not getting alot of assistance there, so I'm kinda 
crashing under that. 
Getting sick was actually a bit of a blessing since I did get some time off to 
do absoloutly nothing, though it drove me nuts...

So, for the next 3 or 4 weeks, I'm stuck with a beltback infusion pump that 
in my fanny pack, means I have to be home before 6:00pm to change the drugs, 
and can't
get greasy beyond my elbows (IV line in the upper arm). When checking me out 
of the hospital, they said 'No lifestyle restrictions' until I pointed out to 
them that for me
that means pulling a lateral G in a race car, falling off sailboats, and so 
The nurse just shook her head and laughed at me. I knew it was time to go 

So I figure I'll spend some time down at Len's Garage and Software Hut putting 
the spare
TR-6 and Spit race motors together, and get some help getting the Spit engine 
back in the car. Once all that's done, it should be time to race again...And 
finish up the TR-6.


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