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From: Bart Semeraro <semeraro@cyan.EPM.ORNL.GOV>
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 1995 12:54:27 -0400
I am a new subscriber to the triumphs list. I am starting to look for a 
Spitfire and would like the advice of the Spitfire owners on the net. I 
have read the VTR buyers guide for Spitfires and have been watching the
traffic on this list for a while. I have several questions....

1) I would like to know if there is a "best year" or "best model" of the 
Spitfire. By best I mean a particular model year that is relatively free 
of mechanical defects or one that has fewer inherent problems than other years. 

2) Is there a list of desirable equipment and options that owners have 
found they cant live without. For example, is over drive a necessity. 

3) Are there any parts which are particularly troublesome like brand X of

4) I would appreciate any tips or other advice on buying a Spitfire that is
not listed in the VTR guide. Also pointers to classified sources for the
car itself (I know about VTR and Hemmings (sp?)) would be appreciated.

Feel free to email directly to me at :

rather than post to the whole list. 

Thanks in advance for your support.

Dave Semeraro

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