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Re: Horsepower vs Torque

Subject: Re: Horsepower vs Torque
Date: Mon, 24 Jul 1995 09:27:09 +0500
> I've asked several people about the differences/similarities between
> horsepower and torque, and each time the vague response is prefaced by head
> scratching and " Well, I'm not sure but"..
> Both apparently refer to the ability to do a certain amount of work within a
> specific time, and they seem to max out at different RPMs, but other than
> these two sophomoric opinions, I'm stumped. Anyone really know??
> Peter Firla

Torque is the turning force of the motor.  There is no time element associated
with the units of measure.  It's the same as the value when a torque
wrench is used (ft/lbs or n/m).  One ft/lb is the equivalent turning force
of a one pound weight suspended at the end of a bar one foot in length.

Horsepower is how many units of work can be done in a unit of time.  This
measurement will tell you how quickly you can accomplish accelerating your
LBC to the velocity of your choice.  Torque will tell you which car
would win if two were tied together at the back bumpers and driven in
different directions (don't try this at home!).

James A. Babcock:  Software Engineer, amateur bowler,
                   shadetree mechanic, Arnold wanna-be
Email:   WWW:
Netrix Corporation  (   '92 Honda Accord
Herndon VA  22071  USA                        '87 Dodge Dakota
Give Blood -- It's a great feeling!           '76 Triumph TR7

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