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Spitfire rear axle u-joints

Subject: Spitfire rear axle u-joints
From: "George Fisher" <>
Date: 19 Jul 1995 11:10:11 PST
Comment: HW1 GFISHER 07/19/95 11:10:32 HW1SSW1

mood@RAD.UNC.EDU wrote:

>Well after some serious violence I got my u -joints separated.  I beleive
>these would have withstood an earthquake ! I have not put them back
>together as of yet;  my yokes have some very light rust on them ... is it
>common place to paint these and if so what  type of paint should I use?

I've owned a '73 Spitfire since it was new, and have replaced the axle
and drive shaft u-joints a couple of times. Getting them out is _always_
difficult--I banged 'em out with a sledge the first time, but I'm using
a hydraulic press in my old age!

I recently purchased a '72 Spit for my 16-year-old. The left rear was
making a 4-times-per-wheel-revolution thump, so I hoped that changing
the u-joints would solve the problem (the car was quiet when run on
jack stands, and I couldn't detect much play in the joints).

When I went to press the last cup into the axle yoke, I realized that
the cup couldn't be properly aligned because the yoke is bent!

Can the yoke be bent back without significantly weakening it? A welder
friend says that he can get it correctly aligned through repeated heating
and cooling. Would that process weaken the yoke? I'd rather not have to
buy a new rear axle...

Thanks for the help...

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