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Re: Chicago Historics, Minis

Subject: Re: Chicago Historics, Minis
From: (Gary Schneider)
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 95 09:03:12 CDT
RE: Vintage Historics at Road America
>Jim Fuerstenberg wrote: Anyone SOLs going up to Chicago Historic Races and
>want >to meet up their next weekend?

Sure! The Vintage Triumphs of Wisconsin and MGMGMG (I forget the acronym
but you get the drift) groups are having a lunchtime picnic Sat. 22nd at
the British corral just north of Corvette Corner. Come on down! My
newsletter says RSVP by today (Bob/Joan Houillon 414-475-0731) for the
brats & burgers count, but all SOL'ers also know RA has the best track food
in North America.

If its under 90 degrees we'll have a blue Mini with white roof, SOL and
MINI logos in window. Else a brown Nissan Stanza van-let.

RE: Minis
Roger Los wrote:
>I'd love to have a mini, but if I was gonna buy, it'd have to be a good one.
>How much would a decent (not too many boy-racer mods) mini run me these days?
>I don't really care if it's a Morris, Austin or one of the Cooper varients.

Unfortunately you described the typical sad state of many Minis. A decently
Bondo'd one without Cooper pretensions will run at least $3K, an excellent
authentic Cooper is $12K+ and variants run anywhere in between. You might
want to lurk the for awhile. Also MADMEN
(Mid-America Diehard Mini Enthusiasts) publishes a fantastic newletter with
nation-wide Mini-for-sale lists for $10/year. By all means go to Mini Meet
West in your area, oh oh it may have been this past weekend but I think its

Gary Schneider, Nicolet Instrument Technologies
phone: 608-276-6172, Fax: 608-273-5061, Internet:

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