Well thanks for the replies on what to do about frame rust. As I am too
cheap, stubborn and impatient for dipping or sandblasting (although these
seem like great ideas) I will sand and wirebrush the entire frame. Now,
what should I put on the sanded metal and rust?
Epoxy paint? (what about a primer?)
Coaltar epoxy paint?
Metal primer and paint? (what kind?)
Navel Jelly? ( what do ya do with this stuff?)
rust eliminator product? (the stuff that turns black when you
spray/brush it on?)(I havn't had good results with this in the past)
Waxoyl? (over something else maybe?)
Used motor oil? (I got lotsa this)
Is there an expert out there?
Bill King '75 Spit/'72 GT6 mah16@cornell.edu