Andy Mace writes:
>different taillamp lens for 1970 Spitfires and GT6s (as opposed to
>1962-69), at least until the lens became NLS.
>Quiz: Do any of you "round-tail" Spit/GT6 fans know the difference?
The 69 has 7 lights in the back. Two large wing-mounted
brake and tail, two red or amber turn, two white reversing lights, and
a centrally mounted, chrome covered rectangular license plate lamp.
The 1970 has 7 lights also. The same two wing mounted brake and tail,
two red or amber turn, two round, flat rear reflectors (red or amber), one
central flush mounted reverse lamp, and off to the side of this body
colored housing, two thimble sized license plate lamps.
Greg Meboe gets the winner's points - he e-mailed this message to me
a few months ago when I was trying to figure if the Spit tub I had was '69
or '70, and I had tucked it away on my computer.
Dave Williamson ( Spits in bits ('68 & '69)
Square-tail Spits remind me of the Bloom County where Opus' butt falls off.