For those of us too impatient to use the Liquid Wrench / tap / L.W. / tap
cycles, the HEAT method is also effective. (Of course, if you don't have
an impact wrench, I'll bet you don't have a oxy/acetylene torch either.)
But a hand-held propane torch can be had for a few dollars, it just takes
longer to get the nuts red-hot.
On a recent tear-down I had the same problem with the exhaust manifold-to-
pipe nuts, and getting them red hot a couple of times did the trick.
And Hey!, those babies are hot for a while after they drop to the ground!
Lee M. Daniels Laboratory for Molecular Structure and Bonding Texas A&M (409) 845-3726 Fax (409) 845-9351
'74 TR6 '77 MGB