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Re: Spit. rear wheel bearings?

To: Michael T Risher <>
Subject: Re: Spit. rear wheel bearings?
From: Nick Benson <grayoak@holly.ColoState.EDU>
Date: Thu, 25 May 1995 10:17:08 -0600 (MDT)

On Wed, 24 May 1995, Michael T Risher wrote:

> My T78 Spitfire makes a high-pitched whistling sound 
> whenever I go more than 35 mph.  Not always, but 
> certainly most of the time.  The sound seems to come
>  from the rear left wheel.  I suspected the wheel bearing,
>  but I could not move the wheel around at all when I
>  jacked it up to check.  Any thoughts on what this 
> might be?  -m
Probably a bearing disintegrating!  I suggest that you have it 
inspected....if it becomes worse, then it'll melt at high speed!!! 

It could also be the brake shoes jamming up, but they don't make any 
noise normally.

Nick D. Benson
Dept. of Industrial Sciences
Colorado Sate University
Fort Collins  CO

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