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Re: New Addition

To: (Thomas Augustus Kimberly),
Subject: Re: New Addition
Date: Mon, 22 May 1995 17:16:45 -0700
G'day Tom,

I am the proud owner of a Dolomite Sprint, which did not reach your shores, 
this engine probalbly has more in common with your TR7 than the DOLOMITE which 
is only a 1850 SOHC 8 Valve Unit.

The TR & the Sprint Share the same 2 litre block but the sprint uses a 16 
valve SOHC head with HS6 Su's give about 127HP stock @ 5700 rpm.

Your car I think is about 104-106 HP which is similar in output to the TR6, 
but alot less torque.

Early 7's from memory had 4 speed boxes as standard but I am pretty sure they 
are unique to it, as it the later 5 speed box is. 

Only weakness with these engines really is overheating & water pump. The water 
pump is intergrated into the block driven by a "Jack Shaft" which also drives 
the distibutor via a helical gear.

The water pump is quite high in relation to the rest of the cooling system, 
which means that any air most likley end up there causing the pump to 

Other problems with the water pump is seal breakdown, and you can check this 
by looking on the side of the block, there is a slot under the pump cover. If 
Oil and/or water are dribling out the pump needs an over haul. 

If there is no corrosion inhibitor you will find that the pump cover will 
corrode causing it clearance from the pump vanes to increase making the pump 
useless. Replace cover.

Make sure your timing is ok, and if you have a sretched timing chain that can 
also cause overheating.

Other than that you have a relativley good & reliable engine!

Also most important, make sure you use the correct thermostat. OHC model 
Triumph engine use one with a foot valve. This alows 20% water flow thru the 
radiator when cold and 100% when hot. If you don't use the right one it will 
only ever flow 20 % as there is no foot on the thermostat to channel the water 
via the main water hose to the radiator.

I have just been thru this exercise with the sprint and enjoy a really cool 
running & reliable car.

Peter Veanrdos
Sydney, Australia

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