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Re: Re:pulling Trannies (floating crank)

To: (Joseph R Schneider)
Subject: Re: Re:pulling Trannies (floating crank)
From: (David Clark)
Date: Tue, 16 May 1995 21:30:53 -0700
>hi, david
>what's the "floating crank" thing- the throwout fork thing has been 
seen on
>this list recently, but floating crank?

Hi All,

The term floating crank, And I think I recall The term from a previous 
periodical put out by TRF or Moss, is used to describe  excesive end 
play in the crankshaft .  In Other Words, you have probably tossed you 
thrust washers. A rather depressing event, especially when you only 
have 50k on the car/engine, good compression, bla, bla, bla.

When I talked to tech at TRF, They indicated that is was a quite common 
ailment in the LBC.  They said that the thrust washer  (which is 2 
pieces would usually start to spin on the rear main bearing and wera 
out a grove large enough so that it would eventially 'spin out'.  And 
By that time the only really thing you could to was yank the engine, 
rebore the main bearing and install oversized thrust washers.  Although 
in my case, it had worn the Crank down pretty badly.

According to them, a remedy or actually a prevention for this is to 
drill a small hole in the thrust washer through to rear bearing cap and 
insert a small spring pin there to keep it from spinning. Be that the 
pin is slightly recessed so not to scribe the crank.  I think I recall 
them saying that this is something they do when they perform a rebuild.

As to the validity to the above, Beats me. I think I am visualising it 
correctly, althought I am hesitand to try it myselfdo to the fact that 
I have installed a decent 'powerplant' (is that an oxymoron?) and hate 
to risk screwing it up.

has anyone heard the same? 

David Clark

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