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Introduction and does anyone know ...?

Subject: Introduction and does anyone know ...?
From: "VanDerLet, Ronald" <RLET@wcnd.utrecht.ATTGIS.COM>
Date: Tue, 16 May 95 08:35:00 PDT
Encoding: 42 TEXT
After having recently subscribed to the British-Cars and Triumphs mailing 
lists and finding it rather useful (as well as hilarious at times), I like 
to introduce myself and ask a couple of questions.

Ronald van der Let       AT&T Wireless Network Systems - WCND
Software Engineering          Zadelstede 1-10
                    3431 JZ Nieuwegein
                    The Netherlands               

voice:+31 3402 97565          fax:+31 3402 97555       

The british cars I currently own are a '67 Triumph GT6 Mk I and a '83 Austin 
Mini 1000E. There's also a Mercedes Benz 280 CE for daily transport and a 
'70 Lancia Fulvia Coupe 1.3 S Rallye just for fun.

My first question involves the Triumph. I bought it about two years ago. It 
was imported from the US and in reasonable condition. The idea was to get a 
Dutch license plate on it ASAP. Only a few minor problems had to be 
resolved. A week later I had separated the body from the chassis and decided 
I'd better undertake a nut and bolt restoration... I bet this sounds 
familiar to a lot of you. Anyway I'm working on the chassis right now and 
the job is getting along quite nicely. And now for the question:
I still have the original American title with the car and I would like to 
get in touch with the previous owner. Yes, I know it's a long shot, but the 
car carries a "University of Jacksonville Commuter" sticker and if the guy 
is working at a university he might be on the net. Anyway, does anyone know 
the following person who used to drive a red Triumph GT6 to the Jacksonville 
University(FL) in the late eighties:

Derek R. White
5885 Edenfield RD 915
Jacksonville Florida
My second question involves, dare I say it, the Lancia. Does anyone know 
whether a  similar mailing list exists for Lancia (or Italian car) owners. 
If it exists and it's as useful as this one I would like to subscribe.

Thanks in advance....


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