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Subject: Thanks
From: "Richard Jackson - Network Technician ext. 2570"<>
Date: Thu, 04 May 1995 09:41:50 +0000 (GMT)
To All Triumph fans,

Thanks alot for all the advice, Info, and offers of International Wrenching. 
To many people replied to says thanks individually so I just wanna say thanks
to everyone, you know who you are.  BTW, I've chartered a Lear Jet so I'll be
over to help you with your 'box job as soon as I've go mine working Andy.  
Kevin, I thought I were having troubles, but yours make mine look like sod all.
and Larry, thanks for the offer of International wrenching,  But I need the car
before the 21st.  Once again, thanks all for the help.

Having said that, I took the 'box out last night out of necessity as I just
couldn't get any gears at all and the 'box deposited a pool of oil on the road
outside my house as I tried to pull up on the driveway.  My first thoughts were
cogs out through the side of the box.  But on removal nothing, god knows where
the oil came from.  Anyway, once the 'box was out it was obvious what the
problem was, the friction plate of the clutch had disintegrated.  The gearbox
also seemed fine so it looks as if the lack of oil did no harm (Hopefully). 
Anyway, the problem is not yet over, on fitting a new clutch, useful to keep as
a spare, I refitted the 'box (Still NO hernia!!), but I can't get the damn
clutch slave cylinder to bleed properly, I've put new seals in it(No not the
furry kind that balance balls on their heads), and still no joy, any ideas
anyone!!!!  Please help as I am being forced to drive my Dad's Volvo to get to
work Aaaaarrrggghhh!!!!!  And its another sunny day, might have to get the tin
snips to the roof of the damn thing if I can't get the Spit going soon.
Right, thanks all for reading this load of old drivel, time to go and earn my
salary - coffee time....

England. - Where the sun comes out only when your Triumph goes into a temporary


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  • Thanks, Richard Jackson - Network Technician ext. 2570 <=