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Re: let's talk leprosy... <

To: "Richard Jackson - Network Technician ext. 2570" <>
Subject: Re: let's talk leprosy... <>
From: Berry Kercheval <>
Date: Tue, 2 May 1995 14:17:55 PDT
>>>"Richard Jackson - Network Technician ext. 2570" said:
 > A high ranking official in a British Triumph club(no names being mentioned),
 > recently said in the club magazine "Triumphs were designed to be driven not
 > locked away for posterity"(or words to that effect) he then followed with 
 > "now the good weathers here I've brought the Vitesse out of storage".  A bit
 > hypocritical don't you think.  

Well, at least he drives it.  After reading in Popular Classics, Classic Cars 
and so on about laborious restorations on cars that always start "There was a 
lot of rot in the body..." and pictures of rusty hulks we Californians would 
strip and send to the crusher, I don't blame anyone in the UK for laying up 
their cars during the winter.

I abhor the trailer-queens, though, and drive a TR6-Leper myself (header, cam, 
electric fool pump and non-standard color) rain and shine.


P.S. The most amazing one was this fellow who laboriously restored a rusting 
'73 Camaro.  My question was "why?" but I suppose in the UK they're exotic.

Berry Kercheval :: Xerox Palo Alto Research Center

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