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Camshaft advice wanted

Subject: Camshaft advice wanted
From: (Keith Bennett)
Date: 04 Mar 95 17:39:30 EST
References: <80B578370203370C@-SMF->
Dear All,
         Does anyone out there have much experience with uprated
camshafts, and how long they should last?
     My TR4A is now onto its forth camshaft in 5 years! To cut
a long story short, last year I fitted Racetorations Plasma
hardened fast road cam (duration 265, lift.307). Its done about
5-6000 miles in the last year, but I dropped the sump this
morning and found one of lobes badly pitted and starting to wear
     I know I can't expect the same life from one these as from
a Stanpart origonal, but I had hoped to get a few years out of
     Also, from a previous failure I have cam with good lobes but
a scored rear bearing journal. Does anyone know if it is possible
to re-metal this somehow, preferably in the UK?
     I don't want to go for a new remanufactured cam again,
camshaft no 3 was one of these and it lasted 11000 miles before
one of the lobes dissapeared altogether. Apparently they are so
soft that they are not accepted anywhere for reprofiling.   
     Thanks for your time.

Keith Bennett                 65 TR4A
                              67 Herald 1200 convertible
                              63 Herald 12/50

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