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[Tigers] July 10th TAC Event

To: "tigers@autox.team.net" <tigers@autox.team.net>
Subject: [Tigers] July 10th TAC Event
From: Paul R Sheahan <sunbeamtiger@prodigy.net>
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2021 16:46:51 +0000 (UTC)
Delivered-to: mharc@autox.team.net
Delivered-to: tigers@autox.team.net
References: <794746851.2076035.1625590011291.ref@mail.yahoo.com>

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Good Morning,=C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0This is last call for the July 10th TAC Ev=
ent in Valrico, Florida starting at 10am.=C2=A0 If you are interested in pa=
rticipating in the event, please contact me and I will give you the address=
 of the event.=C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0Looking forward to seeing everyone there.
PaulPaul R Sheahan=C2=A0
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<html><head></head><body><div class="yahoo-style-wrap" 
style="font-family:Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, 
sans-serif;font-size:16px;"><div dir="ltr" data-setdir="false">Good 
Morning,</div><div dir="ltr" data-setdir="false">&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;This is 
last call for the July 10th TAC Event in Valrico, Florida starting at 
10am.&nbsp; If you are interested in participating in the event, please contact 
me and I will give you the address of the event.</div><div dir="ltr" 
data-setdir="false">&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Looking forward to seeing everyone 
there.</div><div dir="ltr" data-setdir="false"><br></div><div dir="ltr" 
data-setdir="false">Paul</div><div dir="ltr" data-setdir="false">Paul R 
Sheahan</div><div dir="ltr" data-setdir="false">&nbsp;</div></div></body></html>

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