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[Tigers] Mark 2 Wheel Arch Trim

To: LIST TIGER <tigers@autox.team.net>
Subject: [Tigers] Mark 2 Wheel Arch Trim
From: Tom Parker <tkparker1941@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2014 10:04:50 -0400
Delivered-to: mharc@autox.team.net
Delivered-to: tigers@autox.team.net
There's an original set on EBay from Canada that's going to go for over
$7,100.00. It begs the question: does anyone in the group know of a U.S.
based trim manufacturer that does small lot work?

We've reached beyond the point of reasonable pricing, especially for Mark 2
specific parts. it's time to  supply the demand for the couple hundred of
us who, frankly can't afford that kind of cost.

'67 Mark 2


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