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[Tigers] Rear tire rubbing

To: "tigers@autox.team.net" <tigers@autox.team.net>
Subject: [Tigers] Rear tire rubbing
From: Tiger Man <tigerman67@hotmail.com>
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2014 11:08:43 -0600
Delivered-to: mharc@autox.team.net
Delivered-to: tigers@autox.team.net
References: <mailman.3772.1343492600.2453.tigers@autox.team.net> FILETIME=[47C35980:01CF9618]
I took the tiger out the other day, its been too long.  A guy at work wanted
to check it out, so we went for a spin.  I eventually pulled off in a dusty
dirt area and let him drive.  At the time when I was switching sides, I
noticed that the passenger rear tire had a big rub mark on it, which was
really evident by the dust everywhere else.  I didn't see any evidence of it
on the drivers side.

The guy from work was a big guy, and I'm not exactly a lightweight either.  So
not sure if that was one of those one time weird things of two big guys
bottoming out the suspension when I left the pavement, or if I truly have a

The car is running 185/70R13 on stock rims.   I measured the clearance from
the ground to the fender, and the center of the axle, of course I forgot to
write it down, so I will have to go out and remeasure at some point.

Basically I am trying to figure out, are the tires I am running a bit
optimistic on height/width, or is my suspension starting to sag.  There is a
shop locally that does big business re-arching springs for classic cars so not
sure if its time to go see them, but even if I do, not sure the would have the
specs on what the springs should look like.

Also the tires still have plenty of tread on them, but I know they are
probably getting old enough that they need to be replaced anyway.  So I will
be trying to decide on a replacement tire, or the possibility of wheel/tire
upgrade.  But in the mean time, I'd rather not loose a tire though because of
sidewall failure, as I believe my spare is original 1965 issue

Anyone have any experience in that tire size, or the measurement I can use to
check my suspension?



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