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[Tigers] Not Car related; Need Info Dallas FW area

To: Jensen List <JENSEN-cars@british-steel.org>, "nass@yahoogroups.com" <nass@yahoogroups.com>, Tiger List <tigers@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: [Tigers] Not Car related; Need Info Dallas FW area
From: <deiland1@elp.rr.com>
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 4:26:29 +0000
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Sensitivity: Normal 2014 4:26:29 +0000
Hi to all my LBC friends,

My son is moving to the Dallas/Irving area for graduate school and we are 
having to choose an electricity supplier for his new apartment. We're not from 
the area and have no experience at this. I was hoping to hear from some list 
members who live in the area in order to get some advice on choosing a company 
to supply electricity. Please respond off list. I apologize to all the list 
members for using this media for this purpose but wasn't sure how else to 
contact someone in the area.


Dan Eiland


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  • [Tigers] Not Car related; Need Info Dallas FW area, deiland1 <=