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Re: [Tigers] [Alpines] IMP Coupe

To: Thomas Witt <atwittsend@verizon.net>, "tigers@autox.team.net"
Subject: Re: [Tigers] [Alpines] IMP Coupe
From: "Rense, Mark (GE, Appl & Light)" <mark.rense@ge.com>
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2012 18:39:23 +0000
I believe that qualifies as...



...OK, here it comes:

P'Imp-ing Your Ride!

-----Original Message-----
From:  Thomas Witt
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 7:33 PM
To: tigers@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: [Tigers] [Alpines] IMP Coupe

Hummm..., I have a 1961 Corvair station wagon. Now if I shorten the rear of
the roof about 18"-24"..., and graft in the rear half of the Corvair sedan
trunk ...., I could make an Imp look-a-like! Being that it will be larger than
an Imp I think I'd call it a "Bl-imp"  :-)  6 cylinders and a turbo option
right from the factory.



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