Owen, the kit needed to install the competition plus shifter is Hurst part
number 3733167, long out of production.B The shifter mounting plate and
linkage are all totally different from stock.B B I was surprised to see one
on ebay recently.B B It went for $230-$240 if I call correctly.
You might check with David Kee Toploader Transmissions to see if he can
help.B B His web site mentions these shifters.
I actually have an incomplete extra kit.B B B It is complete except it came
with the wrong reverseB rod which I did not discover until too late to do
anything about it.B B I periodicallyB look for one on ebay and see one ever
so often in a large collection of other rods that usually go for way too much
money for the one rod I would want.B B Cannot get it from Hurst, Summit,
Jegs, etc.B B B Given reverse is not used all that much, I have had a go or
two at fabricating one, but have not done so to my satisfaction.B B Long
story short, if I ever get one made to my satisfaction, or find aB Hurst
madeB reverse rod, I could make anB install kit available to whomever wants
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