Just a few notes on the last two 260 engines I rebuilt.
-The KB/ Silvolite Hyperutechtic stock replacement pistons are HEAVY!
...30 grams heavier than an NOS Speedpro.
- Think seriously about having the engine balanced!
- Also, the piston to deck height can be WAY out there!
in excess of -.040!
check it if you want to get the compression up near stock spec.
- in spite of the Ford specs, I have yet to measure an unmilled 260 head
combustion chamber much smaller than 56cc.
...yet another reason your compression may not be up to spec!
BTW, I DON'T suggest you mill 260 or 289 heads excessively!
...Too much increase in blown head gaskets around the banana water
And IF you get your piston to deck close AND run 302 valves sizes AND a
bigger than stock Cam,
-Check your piston to valve clearance!
Intake valve to piston clearance goes away!
...and beware of Autolite 45 spark plugs!
...I have yet to check for a better ( more acurate heat range ) plug
in that heat range.
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