Usenet type mailing lists have been around a long time, and it's quite
possible to search right back to day one of many such lists. The backup
requirements are quite modest for any given list (although the
cumulative requirements for a server running multiple lists can become
substantial - this is why Mark Bradakis periodically solicits
donations). The online discussion boards are actually a lot harder to
search and maintain, and there seems to be a need for people to
categorize the forum contributions to such a fine degree that a
discussion might be completely missed by many people that could
contribute, simply because they don't often read that particular
sub-sub-topic. The only way you can stay on top of everything that's
going on is if the forum happens to have a 'most recent posts' selection
Whether or not (and how) a discussion board or forum will host pictures
is up to the configuration of the forum and the bandwidth capabilities
of the server. Compared to a forum that doesn't do local hosting, there
is no real difference here except you have to click through a link to
start your browser.. I like having that option, and also that the
discussion comes to me via email, instead of me having to go troll
through all the various forums.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of
> Sent: November 19, 2009 12:58 PM
> To:; 'Tony Somebody';;
> Subject: Re: [Tigers] Speedo Rotation
> __va.htm#Misc.%20Gears
> A good arguement for changing to a discussion board rather
> than an email list.
> Infinately more searchable than this older technology, plus
> with pictures.
> But that still requires keeping the discussion public and
> requires that the questioner relate how the action taken
> worked. This has been a wonderful access to help with my
> Tiger questions and problems but too often the responses I
> get are private but contain information that should be
> public. If that happens every time I ask a question I imagine
> it happens all the time.
> Steve
> B9473720
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