spook01 wrote:
> ................what we found was that air becomes trapped inside the
> engine compartment as you whiz along the highway. ...................
> to allow it to escape, the factory put vents in the sides of the rally
> cars, and some guys put vents in the hoods, either at the rear
> corners (like the LAT hood), or directly over the exhaust manifolds.
> these areas correspond to the highest pressure areas under the hood.
> raising the hood in the rear is not a good idea, since the base of the
> windshield is also a high pressure area, and blocks air outflow from
> the engine compartment............
Hello Team:
I have ended up with the hood open 1 1/2 inches above the car body in
hot weather and it makes a definite difference (about 10 degrees) in
lower running temps for me at speed. I know that a lot of hot air does
exit the engine compartment that way and here's how. I have a MK 1A with
the foot well "cooling" vents. When I first started propping up the
hood, I couldn't figure out why I felt extra hot air gushing into the
foot wells, even with the vents closed. Of course those vents do let
some air in even when they're in the closed position. More hot air got
through with the hood propped than with it all the way closed. Then,
with the vents open, try that test. With the hood closed, no extra hot
air. With the hood propped open, LOTS of hot air into the foot wells.
I've ended up taping over both the fresh air vent intakes in front of
the windshield to completely stop air from outside and the engine
compartment getting in during hot weather. Of course I'm cheating
because I installed A/C in the Tiger, but that, and making sure I've
plugged up every possible leak/firewall hole (and there were several of
them) from the engine to the passenger compartment, and lots of heat
insulation, makes a big difference.
Steve Sage
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