you guys crack me says "final word on miatas"...but the conversation
continues....nothing "final" about it!!
Subject: Re: [Tigers] Final word on Miatas
Dang, if that's the accepted definition of mid-life crisis, then I been
in one since 1967, lol.... How long is it supposed to last?
David Sosna wrote:
> I thought midlife crisis involved buying a car from one's youth--like,
> say, a Sunbeam Tiger?? :-)
> Best Regards
> David Sosna
> P.S. Tigerless, but driving a Miata these days.
> P.P.S. My wife always used to refer to the Tiger as "cute". AAAArgh!
> No!!! It's got a gut-thumping macho 302! It's Butch!
> Really!
> Lon wrote:
>> Besides the issue of many of the spec racers driving way over their
>> respective
>> heads running with Vintage groups (Had one run me off the track in
>> HSR-West),
>> my daughter had the best line for these little beasts when one went
>> by last
>> week with a balding driver: "Gawd Dad, they just scream midlife crisis"
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