Cullen, OM,
Distilled (not "spring" or "deionized" water)"
Stu Brennan said:
/"I use distilled water, available at local pharmacies in gallon jugs for
cheap money. This is NOT the same as "deionized" water. I have noticed
less of that crusty crud that collects in the cooling system since
switching to this in all my cars."
I have found it in larger "supermarkets", hidden amongst other large
bottled waters.
I would not recommend "titration" with acids or bases and Ph testers
(orangeish paper test strips at Swimming Pool retailers). But is a good
way of knowing where you are. 7.0 is the target (neutral).
Steve Laifman
Editor -
Cullen McCann wrote:
> Jerry,
> If the ph level is not at 7.0, what can you do to correct it? Is there an
> additive or a solution to maintain that ph level?
> Cullen
> '1452
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