I visited the Beaulieu museum two years ago. I can definitely recommend it.
It's fairly handy if you are on an excursion to the New Forest, Bath,
Stonehenge areas. ALso it's the home of a well-known classic car swap meet
("jumble" in local parlance) and classic car auctions. For reasons that are
completely obscure, the Brits pronounce it "Byew-lee." Thumbing their noses at
the French, no doubt.
---- Steve Laifman <SLaifman@SoCal.rr.com> wrote:
> Bob, Jerry,
> Lucas has been joked about for as long as I can remember. However, I
> found the defining proof about Lucas.
> At the National Motor Museum, Beaulieu (England),
> http://www.beaulieu.co.uk/motormuseum/
> there is a fantastic collection of British motor cars, and motorcycles -
> including the British Land Speed record cars with the Tiger.
> Great visit, don't miss if you are there.
> Beaulieu
> Beaulieu Enterprises Ltd
> John Montagu Building
> Beaulieu
> Brockenhurst
> Hampshire
> SO42 7ZN
> Tel : 01590 612345
> Fax : 01590 612624
> There is a special Lucas exhibit showing all the electric lamps Lucas
> has built. They are all operating with low voltage A/C lamps. Well,
> that is, they are all operating WHEN they are operating!!! When we
> visited the entire booth was dark, but not any adjoining booths. So, I
> guess that settles the question. Even in their Home country, and the
> best auto museum in Great Britain, in an exhibit they designed, it shows
> the true underlying competence of Lord Lucas.
> For some strange reason, my Tiger lighting is all original Lucas, and
> works. That is, until I say that, and the Lord of Darkness gets even by
> proving all the stories about "him".
> It is somewhat misleading to call him the "Lord of Darkness", when is is
> more accurate to call him "Lucas, 2nd Earl of Dim Illumination and
> Windscreen Wiper Malfunctions". ;-)
> ___
> Steve Laifman
> Editor - TigersUnited.com
> Jerry wrote:
> >Bob,
> > Now that was funny, I had tears rolling down my face.
> >
> >Jerry
> >
> >-----