According to IL traffic code, you are allowed to enter an intersection on
My son's girl friend was in an intersection waiting turn left when the light
changed from yellow to red. While she was completing the turn, an idiot
T-boned her on the passenger door. He claimed the light was yellow and
she turned in front of him. The car that beside the idiot stopped before
entering the intersection. The cop gave her a ticket for failure to yield to
oncoming traffic.
I went to the police station to complain. No luck. It seems that unlike
what I was taught (if the light is yellow STOP if you can safely) in IL
it means FLOOR IT. If you make it into the intersection you have the
right of way.
Now I'm in Indpls. IN has the best solution to the front plate. IN has
no front plate.
There was an Alpine from Canada at the Aspen SUNI that was a shop
project for high school. It has a rolling plate in the trunk lid ala James
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