Yes I'm still alive. Just got back from the IN SAAC Spring Fling.
Great weather. Great cars. Great time was had by all.
My old company Nalco Chemical is the world's largest Speciality
Chemical Company. We specialized in products that clean and prevent
scale, corrosion, algae, etc from cooling systems. Electric companies
use our products to prevent problem with the boilers. Nuke plants
don't like shutting down because their boilers need cleaning.
Anyway we make cleaning product for the Auto industry vended through
out captive subsidiary 'Penray' and 'Supertech'. Used mainly by Semi's
and large off road diesel equipment. Its called 'COOLTECH'. Comes
in a black quart bottle. Should be available at a truck stop.
You add it to your coolant and drive on for about a week. That's the
key. Our chemists had a poor opinion of 'quick' 15 minute flushes.
Drive it for the week and flush until clean. Then add your choice of 50-50
Then add a 12 oz bottle of 'COOLTECH2' This purple product prevents
silicates from partcipating out and forming the 'green goo' you see
under your radiator cap. Once formed no quick flush will dissolve
the silicates. The 'COOLTECH' will over time.
The bad news is 'COOLTECH' cleans your entire cooling system
from deposits by putting tehm into solution to be flushed after a week.
That means if you have calcite or silicate deposits that are
preventing leaks (such as in your heater core).it will begin leaking
If the COOLTECH and power flushes don't fix the problem. Time to
pull the radiator and take it to a pro. Even then some of the silicates
can't be removed. Then its time for a new core.
One final note. Do not leave COOLTECH in you system permanently.
The Ghant cooling filters work great in keeping the system clean
and capturing the silicates as they form. Where do the silicates
come from? Say thank you to Prestone for having silicone in their
products. A necessary evil to prevent corrosion from dis-similar
metals in the engine. (Aluminum head, cast iron block, etc). Also
lubes the water pump. I have no answer to this other than a
Ghant filer and COOLTECH2.
Say Good Night Gracie.