I have a tiger MkII and it was modified with an ackerman angle improvement.
When I bought it about 20 years ago, the guy told me it was an "accurate
ackerman angle kit" if I remember right. It is a system with a lot of heim
joints and it is getting shaky so I wanted to go back to original or what
ever is the best to have now. My rack has had the ends cut off I guess
because only about 2 to three inches come out where it attaches to a u
shaped fitting. Can an original piece be put back in the rack or is it
ruined for that application.
Also I will have to get my frame rewelded where the exhaust goes through.
Would I be better off to get it done so it looks original or should I have
the 3 inch electrical conduit put in like the article related to this site
suggests. - Bill Lau Chesterfield MO.