This is pretty interesting! It is speed density of course. I see a map
commector and I see a TPS on the throttle body. so with manifold
pressure, manifold temp engine coolant temp, rpm and tps, I think it has
all the info it needs. The ACT (air charge temp) is probably not hard
to get especially with an aftermarket manifold. ECT (engine coolant
temp) is likewise easy to get. I wonder whose sensors they use? GM?
Ford? Chrysler? Or... It does not seem to be any wider, longer or taller
than a holley 4150 carb. And the PWM fuel pump is trick as well. We woul
dneed to replumb the fuel lines anyway because the stock fuel line is
small for many high power modifications but not having to plumb a return
line looks good. And because it it speed density, a power adder, turbo
or supercharger, should be easy to do. Says it supports up to 1200 hp,
man that is a lot fo fuel! Certainly wold take a mondo fuel pump to feed
that! On the order of 600 lbs per hour. With f injectors that 150
pounders each and at a 80 percent duty cycle that would be around 190
lb/hr (approximately) which are some serious injectors for sure. Big
inkectors like that have a tendency at low rpms to not behave
correctl;yu. I wonder how they address that? A harnes, maybe 200 bucks
if it is not complex, the throttle body , maybe around 700 or more with
injectors, and the pump probably 350 bucks... so it likely wont be
cheap. But could certaily be fum...
mayf, way off and far out in pahrump...
Tigerman wrote:
> Anyone heard what the expected price is going to be for a unit like this?
> Thanks,
> Steve
>> Bob and Listers,
>> I just saw this in the latest issue of
>> Hot Rod and it looks VERY interesting. Unless of course it is another
>> version of a GM based TBI unit.