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Re: Transmission color

To: Theodore Brown <tbrown@midcoast.com>
Subject: Re: Transmission color
From: Steve Laifman <SLaifman@socal.rr.com>
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2006 15:01:30 -0800
What happened, and when?

Firstly, Rootes made a habit, as do most Manufacturer's, of getting rid 
of discontinued production stock before using the replacements.  Note 
the sudden change in the Alpine S-V in 1967.  They changed the lip less 
headlamp bezels part way through the model run.  The MK II version was 
introduced as a real model change.

Engine colors were yet yet another, change to "Ford Blue", although 
these may have been "owners" changes.  My '65 Mk I 4 bolt transmission 
bell housing was the same color black as the engine.  I did, however, 
replace it with a much better "8" bolt transmission housing (dual 4), 
which fits either earlier 5 bolt, or newer Mk II 6 bolt bell housings.  
Without a differential change, the performance difference was 
astounding.  It was directly from a Mk II, and was painted the original 
black, with low mileage. ( a strongly recommend change, and suitable for 
289/302 6 bolt bell housings).  Check with Bob Hokanson's article in 
TigersUnited.com for a great online speed / ratio / rpm automatic spread 
sheet and calculator.


Steve Laifman
Editor - TigersUnited.com

Theodore Brown wrote:

> Harry:
> I think what happened was that after Rootes ran out of the first 
> allocation of engines they had ordered from Ford, they must have 
> ordered more.  My guess is that the first batch were painted black and 
> the second, blue.  It's been my observation that cars with earlier 
> numbers have black engines and trannies and the later ones, blue.  I 
> don't know when the changeover took place or if it was abrupt or a 
> phased-in change.  Maybe Norm has some insight?  Of course, I could be 
> totally off the wall with this.  For the record, my Tiger, 
> B382002384LRXFE (a late MkIA), born on August 25, 1966, had its engine 
> and gearbox painted blue.
> Tod
> At 06:55 PM 11/13/2006 -0500, you wrote:
>> Tod,
>> My first Tiger, B382002021, came original with both transmission and 
>> engine painted blue. My current Tiger, B382000471, came original with 
>> both transmission and engine painted black.
>> Harry Elam 

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