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RE: V-8, no Tiger Content

To: "'Joey Hiykel'" <v8sunbeamtiger@hotmail.com>, <Fhsloth3@cs.com>
Subject: RE: V-8, no Tiger Content
From: "Theo Smit" <theo.smit@dynastream.com>
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2006 09:38:48 -0600
There are several different folks making these. The "Challenger" type is
available as sets of castings, about $600 for a complete set... You supply
the machining, bar stock material, and fasteners. There is another one that
is available assembled for about $4000 to $6000 (supercharger extra) but the
Weber one is a one-of, completely made from bar stock material.

There's a website devoted to model internal combustion engine design and
making... Don't have the link handy though. A good place to start if you're
really interested.


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