Sorry, Mayf,
While the oil companies may be the Darth Vaders of our time, the pricing
of their product is not based on such engineeringly elegant solutions as
their energy content.
Their method is one that has been in existence since the barter system
began "How many dinosaur ribs do you want for that unused set of O.E.M.
pterodactyl wings?"
It is known as "what the market will bear", vs how much it costs us to
deliver. When delivered cost exceeds market price, the availability
dries up, and the price goes up until it more than covers delivered
costs. Just because perfume has about the same BTU content as alcohol,
don't expect Chanel #5 to cost the same as Smirnoff - even if it doesn't
tastes as good.
Steve Laifman
Editor -
drmayf wrote:
> Me bucko's, I am working on a hypothesis. That being the "oil
> companies" are beginning to sell motor fuel and heating products based
> on btu content of the fuel. I'd like to hear from you all off list
> (less messy for the list that way) about the prices of the following:
> 1) number 2 diesel
> 2) heating oil
> 3) 87 octane gasoline
> 4) butane
> 5) propane
> on a per gallon basis. So next time you fill up, note the price of the
> items above. Or when home products are delivered. No hurry or
> anything, just gathering some information for my own enjoyment.
> mayf, out in Pahrump...... ya'll have a safe and Merry Christmas, a
> Happy New Year, and any other that i missed