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Re: unilugs

To: prbreuhan@hotmail.com ("Paul R. Breuhan"), AAAGLASSS@aol.com,
Subject: Re: unilugs
From: Sjhcobra1@cs.com
Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2005 20:37:52 -0400
My Mk1 came with a set of ET Ansen wheels that use the "unilug" concept. The 
unilug washers were worn extensively and the slots elongated.I bought 
replacement washers at Autozone.

Steve Halbrook

"Paul R. Breuhan" <prbreuhan@hotmail.com> wrote:

>huh???? Cragar??? Gunball Rally??? Backing Plates/Centering Plates???
>A unilug wheel is simply a wheel elongated holes in them to fit mulitiple 
>bolt patterns so they fit all  Ford/AMC/Chrysler/Chevy/etc...
>Just go to Ebay and search for "unilug" and a number of wheels will show up 
>with clear pictures of a unilug pattern. A while back I even saw some unilug 
>LAT70 style wheels on auction.

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