Charlie- I removed one from a Mk1 that I found setting after several years. I
have one of Eds but it is setting on the amusement center as opposed to my
daily driver Mk1. When the heat breaks I will install it, as Im sure it will
work better than the OEM part. Meanwhile I wanted to see if the one I removd
was a candidate for keeping. I measured between the lugs and I know now I
should have used the grounded side as between the lugs has very little
resistance at least on this unit. I will now go from lug to ground and see
what it says an perhaps I will install Eds tomorrow, even tho my gauges,
except for the Tach, seem to be in working condition. The Tach jumps all over
the place. I will trade it out and see if that helps, if not then Theo,
perhaps you can work your magic. Thanks for the numbers, it was/is
appreciated. Cheers, Tony