To everyone on the LIST. The email I sent earlier "Roasting" my friend Dave
Johnson was sent only as an attempt to poke fun at Dave and put forth some
humor in what was getting a bit off track. Dave and I have attended Tiger
functions, exchanged personal emails and I really have nothing against him
or anyone living in or even close to Chicago. SO, if anyone took anything I
said seriously they should reevaluate the text. Anyone who has met Dave will
find a person as true to the Marque as there is, he has tons of information
stored in the hard drive on his shoulders and is always first to give aid to
another Sunbeam soul in need, be it parts or techanical information.. He is
also a good Democrat, meaning he works hard for his money, Ive never met his
best girlfriend or his worst and he is always welcome to break bread at my
humble home on short notice.
Dave is aware I was messing with him but in case someone else might think
less of him, you need to look at who sent the email and realize Im just a
big blonde with an extreme sense of humor, the only way I survive my present
life. To all the Daves in the world, I apologize and to the rest of the of
the LIST, lighten up, everyone has an opinion, some better than others but
none worth getting upset about. regards, Tony Lang who really is cocky !